Contact Us: 989.202.3357
Hands On Therapy Concepts
By Occupational Therapist I Physical Therapist I Special Educator I Psychologist
Psychological testing –
Intelligent Quotient,
Social Quotient,
Personality testing,
Learning Disability Evaluation
Computerized developmental testing
Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
Sensory Processing Measure
Articles & Resources
with " Joint Pain, Back Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Stiff Joints After Trauma, Hand Injury, Hemiplegia & many other conditions……….
Electrotherapy, Neurodevlopmental Treatment, Kinesiotaping®, Swiss Ball Exercises, Improve My Posture Program, Theraband® exercises, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Training, Hand Splinting, Adaptive Devises, Balance Training, Mirror Therapy & many more as needed.
with “ Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Learning Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay & many other conditions..
Neurodevlopmental Treatment, Ayres Sensory Integration® Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Kinesiotaping, Swiss Ball Exercises, Hand writing Improvement Program, Theraband® exercises, Special education, Group therapy, Parent support group & much more as needed.
"We" provide
National Open School
Every child deserves to make his mark. Each should have every opportunity to reach his full potential. And you can help make that possible. With Bayley–III, you have the comprehensive tool you need to identify issues early on. To address early childhood situations before they become lifelong problems. And to give every child a chance to succeed.
We at HOTC are proud to use it as an regular assessment tool. It's known worldwide for its good psychometric properties.
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development®,
Third Edition
Occupational Therapy Services for Children
- Child Counseling
- Play Therapy
- Family Counseling
- Anger Management
- Group Therapy
Therapy Services for Adults
- Exercises
- Adaptive Device Prescription
- Activities of Daily Living Training
- Electrotherapy
- Orthotic Prescription
- Balance Training
School Observation
- Direct observation in school setting
- Collaborate with teachers on tasks
- Develop techniques to communicate
- Assist with program modification
- Provide resources for school staff
Educational Services
- Assessment & Evaluation
- Learning Difficulties
- Cognitive Testing
- School Visits
Occupational Therapy
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Gross and Fine Motor Delays
- Developmental Delays
- Coordination & Balance Problems
- Attention & Concentration Problems
- Learning Problems
Therapy Services in NICU
- Oral Motor Stimulation
- Positioning
- Kinesiotaping
- Neurophysiological Based Intervention
- Parent Education
- Handling Technique
- Neurobehavioural Assessment